Υπολογίστε την συμβολή του αυτοκινήτου σας στο Φαινόμενο Θερμοκηπίου και δείτε έναν τρόπο να “εξουδετερώσετε” την επίδραση σας.
Να τι γράφει η Susan Dominus στο New York times για αυτό το ευέλικτο αγοραίο εργαλείο που προτείνει ένας καθηγητής του Wharton School:
In the 90's, environmentalists could celebrate at least one success story: the "cap and trade" system, a market-inspired strategy for reducing harmful factory emissions. The way it works is simple. Companies that want to produce emissions beyond the legal limit are allowed to buy the right to release additional emissions from companies that have managed to keep their own emissions below the limit. Recently, Karl Ulrich, a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, introduced a microversion of the same policy - only applied to individual automobiles as opposed to factories. It allows a socially conscious driver to cancel out the environmental damage caused by his car….
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